The UK Network of Building Surveyors and Structural Engineers


Disputes & Expert Witness

0800 52 58 50 •

Disputes & Expert Witness

Unfortunately disputes sometimes arise about design matters, quality of materials, workmanship or contractual situations related to buildings and structures.

It is preferable to avoid such situations in the first place by employing a professional to take care of your building contracts. However, when there is a dispute, it is best resolved quickly, and not allowed to develop into protracted arguments and counter-arguments leading to litigation. We recommend that you take professional advice on the dispute at an early stage.

Initially, we would inspect and investigate the problem and prepare a preliminary report. This will deal with the strengths and weaknesses of the dispute and allow you to decide on the best way to proceed. Experience shows that a well researched and professionally presented report in the early stages of a dispute often leads to a quicker resolution, avoiding the need for court action.

Should the matter proceed further, are able to collect evidence, advise your solicitor, prepare a full Expert Witness Report and present this to the courts should this be required.

Fees for such services vary according to the nature of the dispute, and the extent of services required. We can usually agree a fixed fee for the initial advice and report.

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